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My Original Characters


Male Silkwing

Background: Hummingbird is a pure Silkwing who has the unique ability of flamesilk. He is my second youngest oc and doesn't have his wings yet (Although he is allowed to be drawn with wings)! He is a sweet, innocent male dragon who hatched on Pyrrhia. He was taken when he was an egg from a heavily guarded nursery in the forests of Pantala. He is unaware of the prejudice against Silkwings and has never seen a Hivewing before. However, Snapdragon tells him stories to keep him aware of the danger they bring. Him and his friend Snapdragon (A Leafwing he basically treats as his sister) hide in the rain forest of Pyrrhia as they know the seven tribes don't take kindly to others who look different. Due to Hummingbird's bright colors, he can be mistaken for a Rainwing at first glance. Overall, Hummingbird is just a soft, happy boy who loves nature and other dragons. :)
His likes: Mangoes, butterflies, monkeys, The Ocean, Rainwings, Seawings and flowers.
His dislikes: Hivewings, bananas, spiders, meat and fighting.
Favorite color: Blue

Unrelated Sister: Snapdragon

Lover: Coming soon??

Prince Lionfish

Male Seawing

Background: Lionfish is a pure Seawing who has an uncommon ability, animus powers. He is a serious dragon and diligent in his studies. Unlike most dragons like him, Lionfish hadn't realized he had powers until he was 6. Usually Seawings would find their powers through tradition by commanding a coconut to do something but because the palace was so busy, they had forgotten about a batch of royal Seawings and never tested them. As the young prince grew up, he noticed small things coming true he wished hadn't or had happened. Prince Lionfish felt a strange, magical feeling deep inside him. So, he headed to the scroll room and read until he stumbled into Animi records. He started to get wary of dragons around him as he knew what this power meant, being used, his deepest fear. No dragon knew until his first purposeful enchantment, a large, green tinted pearl he found in the depths of the ocean. He called it the "Lion's Eye", using it by thinking of a dragon, it would show what they were doing at that point in time. However, you could only see the dragon you loved, whether they were family, best friend, or love interest. His sister had caught him enchanting it and kept it a secret, but Lionfish was worried sick she'd use it one day for debt to her.

His likes: Shrimp, swordfish, snails, his sister, reading scrolls for hours and diplomatic meetings.

His dislikes: Skywings, The Sandwing Kingdom, Nightwings and blueberries.

Favorite color: Emerald Green

Relationships: Princess/ Queen Iridescent is his sister. His bestfriend is another Seawing named Siren. He is enemies with The Skywing Prince, Titan.



Female Leafwing

Background: Snapdragon is a pure Leafwing with average leafspeak powers (Strongest power in her time though). Whatever she lacks she makes up with hard work and stubbornness. When she was 3 years old the war on Pantala happened. The forest whispered of an egg with great importance tucked safely in the Silkwing hatchery. Her and her mother followed the whispers and stole the Silkwing egg to keep it safe. Her mother (Sakura) told Snapdragon to fly to a distant land by talking to aquatic plants, using their roots to feel for islands to fly to and get to safety. Snapdragon did what she was told, only hesitating in her mind rather than physically as she hurried to the beach. Snapdragon lives in the Rainforest that shares Rainwings with Hummingbird. With Hummingbird, she at least felt importance as his little smile brightened her day. His silly ideas made her feel like a proud mother and one day they'd go find her mother, Sakura, together. For now, they wait, watch, and listen. If the Hivewings came looking for them, they'd be ready. She is your typical moody character who is really a softy for anything she cares about.
Her likes: Orchids, insects, bright colors, toucans and Hummingbird.
Her dislikes: Hivewings, anything cold (Ice, snow, etc.), any threats to Hummingbird, "yappy dragons" and snakes.
Favorite color: Sunflower Yellow
Relationships: Her mother is a Leafwing named Sakura. Her adopted brother Hummingbird.

Prince DeathHowl

Male Sandwing

Background: DeathHowl is a pure Sandwing who is very moody. His royalty and experience in the palace has molded his personality to be quite grumpy. He is a brute of a dragon and likes to fight to get stronger. He uses his wits to out-smart his opponents and quickly defeat them if given the opportunity. He grew up being second best to his sister Gold. He was always looked down on by his family, creating a soft spot for dragons who are nice to him. He often wears glamourous jewelry to easily be recognized as the prince and has a black tattoo under his eye. He was always lonely in the palace until war struck with the Skywings and he finally had a purpose. He climbed the ranks to being the general of the royal army and now feels purpose from the respect he has earned. He will never let any tribe ruin his purpose, making him bloodthirsty and often reckless in battle. He has gained experience with every scar, each one making him even more bitter than before.
His likes: Attention, snakes, smoldering heat, scorpion meat, fighting and sand.
His dislikes: Flowers, his sister, anything that threatens his honor, Skywings, gossip and anything cold (Ice, snow, Icewings, etc.).
Favorite color: Crimson red
Relationships: Princess Gold is his malevolent sister. He is enemies with the Skywing price, Titan.

Prince Titan

Male Skywing

Background: Titan is a pure Skywing who was raised by his loving mother (Everburn) in the Skywing kingdom. He is your typical villain, much like Darkstalker, using his power to manipulate other dragons. His sister Sunrise had a huge grudge for the Seawings after the war between them and set out to kill the Queen. After this, her and a few guards had died. Prince Titan on the other hand during this, fell in love with a Sandwing when meeting her on the boarder of the Sandwing Kindom and his. One day, they agreed to meet up at a secret spot on the border nobody guarded and Prince Titan would be brought to reality. The fake princess showed up in attempt to kill him while they ambushed the Skywing Kingdom. Titan was shattered mentally as Viper showed up, burning his body. She stabbed him in the joint of his wing with her barb, making him paralyzed. He woke up to his mother and as she wailed, staring past him. He turned, seeing his wings had been removed. With the new horror, his terror began. He pledged to make every tribe pay as he would torture any Sandwing that dared come across his path. He would use the opportunity made by his sister with the Seawings and thoroughly apologized to them. He knew they had animi within the ocean, and he wanted to use their power for himself, starting with getting his wings back.
His likes: Torture, blood, fighting, dragons that bow to him, his mother and his Kingdom.
His dislikes: Sandwings, betrayal, Animi, Alliances and his "reckless" sister.
Favorite color: Blood red
Relationships: He used to have a sister named Princess Sunrise (Killed by Queen Iridescent). His mother, Queen of the Skywings, Everburn. His ex-lover is a royal Sandwing spy named Viper.


Female Rainwing

Background: COMING SOON

Her likes: 
Her dislikes: 

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